Sep 10, 2014 | Calin Dragoiescu | 2761 views
Summer Water Polo Camps a Big Success!
This summer KW Water Polo hosted 2 summer camps
for all returning U14 players at the outdoor Harry Class Pool in Kitchener.
Coach Glen Keelan along with 4 youth coaches (Brodie, Claudio, Minos and Aleah) were extrememly pleased with the turnout of 32 kids over the two individual weeks. The camps ran July 21-25th and August 25th-29th, from 8:30am - 11:00am. Each day began with 30 minutes of dryland on deck to start the sessions. We also included a couple of Yoga sessions facilitated by a parent of one of our member families which was extremely well received by the participants and coaches. Thank you Carolynne! Hopefully we can encorporate Yoga into some of the dry land routines throughout the upcoming season. Due to the wonderful success of these camps we are already planning to run 2 camps again next summer with similar timeframes and dates. Thanks again to everyone who participated and stay tuned next spring for updates on next year's Summer Camps!