Sep 22, 2012 | angelosk | 1484 views
U14 team announcement
Hello Team Inferno U14 Families
Dry land training won't commence until the first week of October so this week Tuesday's practice will be as follows;
7-8pm - TF Players
8-9pm - Competitive Players
In addition, Dry land training won't commence until the first week of October so this week Tuesday's practice will be as follows; 7-8pm - TF Players 8-9pm - Competitive Players
Please note: Tuesdays practice times may change from what was originally communicated due to complications in securing the gymnasium for the dry land practices.
We hope to have this resolved this week and it is possible that practices on Tuesdays may end up being the same time schedule as last season (6:10 - 7pm dry land for competitive players followed by pool time from 7-8pm and TF pool time from 8-9pm).
We will advise everyone as soon as we have the times confirmed.
We apologize for any inconvenience.