49 games ......33 hours.......2 pools......3 fields of play.....3 divisions......23 teams..... 75 Inferno players in the water......a Winter Classic to Remember!!!
All teams gave a full effort and played competitively in each and every game! Every player this weekend did the Inferno proud!!! A special mention to our U14 boys team that went undefeated through 6 games....Way to go!!!!
So many people to thank!!! An event like this does not happen without the effort of many.
Our club is so rich in support:
9 coaches.....special mention to Coach Glen who was on deck for 20 games.
14 refs..... all members of KW Water Polo giving back.
12 parent or player score keepers (Many first timers)
2 on deck leads....Mike A. and Dan P. fantastic job!!
3 executive members helping organization on deck
40 families contributing items to a generous hospitality room that was sincerely appreciated.
7 hospitality organizers/supervisors.
2 co-ordinators of 50/50 draw.....$314 in proceeds for the club....awesome!
12 + store volunteers.....very busy at the press this year (39 track pants and 63 t-shirts!)
2 (nearly) professional photographers - thank you for the wonderful images and memories!
Too many names to mention this year but please know that we truly appreciate each of your contributions!!!!
We have received many compliments on our Winter Classic throughout the weekend from parents and coaches.....and each of you really deserve the accolades!!!
A great big huge THANK YOU to all you for helping facilitate such a successful tournament!
Thank you,
Mike Ciciretto
KW Water Polo - President