16U Girls - Southwest Stingrays at Wilfrid Laurier, News (K-W Water Polo)

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Feb 11, 2019 | Scott Mueller | 3424 views
16U Girls - Southwest Stingrays at Wilfrid Laurier
With the latest rounds of NCL competition complete, our 16U Girls have not only moved back into top spot in the Eastern Conference, they lead in points Nationally!

519 Sports Online  was there to capture the highlights on both Saturday and Sunday. Check out the girls in action.

KW Water Polo has engaged 519 Sports Online to start highlighting our club and our sport on their site. This weekend, the 16U Girls were featured but we plan to have them out at a 12U and 14U events to show off our younger talent. 

This weekend's match up was a double header against our friendly rival, the Etobicoke Mavericks. Saturday's game was a 5-5 draw and Sunday's was a nail-biter for the parents but it ended in a 9-7 win for our South West Stingrays...


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Water Polo Canada - NCL Standings







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