You may be looking for our Refund and Fee Adjustment Guidelines page.
For those wishing to enrol but unable to afford our full registration fees, we offer some subsidies to families who qualify. We also recommend local service organizations who may be able to provide financial support to our members.
Fee Assistance - Offered by KW Water Polo
Each year, KW Water Polo sets aside $25 of each membership fee in order to be able to provide assistance to those in financial need who wish to enrol an athlete in one of our development programs. It is important to understand that these funds are supported by fellow members and are not endless.
Funds are distributed as fairly as possible, until they are exhausted, focusing on the families most in need of assistance first.
Submission of an application does not guarantee receiving assistance.
- Household income < $45,000 – maximum of $300 per family
- Household income >= $45,000 but less than $50,000 – maximum of $200 per family
- Household income >= $50,000 but less than $55,000 – maximum of $100 per family
If there is low demand for the funds in a particular year, they do not accumulate or carry over to the following year. They are added to the current year’s general revenue.
If you feel you qualify for fee assistance from KW Water Polo, please complete the fee assistance form as soon as possible prior to, or during registration. You will be required to provide documentation that shows total family income. Documentation must be provided for all parents providing support for the enrolled member. Copies of your previous year’s T1(s) or T4(s) or Notice of Assessments are acceptable documentation.
Your information will be reviewed by the Registrar, Treasurer and the President and you will be notified as soon as possible of the decision.
You may also wish to reach out to any of the local service organizations listed below which may also be able to provide support.
Please fill out the
Fee Assistance Application Form.
If you require assistance, please contact us by emailing
[email protected].
Multi-Athlete Families
Consistent with other competitive clubs in Waterloo Region, KW Water Polo does not provide additional support for families choosing to enroll multiple athletes in the club.
Subsidy for Bingo Coordination
Bingo revenues assist in lowering the fees that must be charged for each club member. This subsidy is provided in recognition of the need for individuals to be trained, and the time commitment they make to attend bingos regularly, and to provide training to our volunteers, and other related activity.
KW Water Polo pays qualified individuals up to a total of $100 per session managed. This can be shared by more than one coordinator in any way they feel is appropriate, but is limited to that amount. The total subsidy does not exceed $1300.
If you are interested in this role, please send an email to [email protected]
Senior Coach’s Bursary
The Senior Coach's Bursary allows a Senior Coach to offer assistance to players who will coach while continuing to play in our development program. It is intended to support those who are in need of assistance.
The available bursary is equivalent to a maximum of 30% of the player/coach’s membership fee, not including competitive fees. The bursary comes with an expectation that the recipient(s) will be active in coaching junior members in weekly practices and at tournaments.
As an Assistant Coach, they will continue to earn the standard hourly wage, and will be reimbursed for tournament and travel expenses following the same formula as all coaches.
Each of our two Senior Coaches may elect to provide an individual player/coach with a bursary, or they may choose to split their bursary across multiple player/coaches. It is not necessary for the Senior Coach to use all, or any of the available bursary in any given year.
A Senior Coach may choose to transfer some or all of their bursary to the other Senior Coach. The two bursaries may not be combined into a single bursary of 60%.
- Senior Coach 1 uses their bursary to assist two player/coaches, each player/coach receives a 15% reduction in their fees.
- Senior Coach 2 uses their bursary to assist three player/coaches, each player/coach receives a 10% reduction in their fees.
If a Senior Coach finds the available bursary is insufficient, they may choose to reduce their own monthly stipend to provide additional funds.
Discussion with the President and Treasurer are required in all cases prior to the bursary being offered.
Fee Assistance Offered by External Organizations
Kitchener Sports Association (KSA)
The KSA Fee-assistance Program provides direct financial support to local minor sports groups that have a formal Fee-assistance Program. If you qualify for fee assistance through the process outlined above, you may also receive additional support as a result of our submission to the Kitchener Sports Association.
Kitchener Sports Association |
KidSport™ KW
KidSport is a not-for-profit organization that provides financial assistance for registration fees and equipment to kids aged 18 and under within Kitchener and Waterloo. You must apply directly yourself.
KidSport Kitchener Waterloo |
Fee Assistance Leisure Access Program
The City of Waterloo Fee Assistance Leisure Access Program offers financial support for permanent residents with low income, living in Waterloo, in order to help individuals participate in City of Waterloo recreational and affiliated minor sport and arts programs. The assistance is given in the form of a credit to eligible individuals. Eligibility is based on total family income. You must apply directly yourself.
Waterloo Fee Assistance Program
Jumpstart helps kids in financial need participate in organized sports and physical activities by assisting with the costs associated with registration, equipment and/or transportation. You must apply directly yourself.
Jumpstart - How to get help
Jumpstart - Apply here