Inferno Families,
A reminder to everyone that Registration will be taking place this week:
U12/U14 - Tuesday September 23, 2014 - 7:00 pm
to 8:30 pm - Cameron Heights
U16/U18/Seniors - Thursday September 25, 2014 - 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm - WMRC
Please click on the below link to download the registration forms which should be completed prior to the registration sessions. The below link also outlines all registration information including fees and payment schedule. It is important to note the club has gone to an automatic payment system. Therefore no postdated cheques will be accepted. Those wishing to follow the installment schedule must bring a void cheque. Those families wishing to pay all registration and tournament fees in advance may do so by cheque.
Parents will be asked to sign up for their bingo commitment for the season. U12 families will be required to sign up for one session and the other age group families will be required to sign up for two sessions. Those families not wanting to complete their commitment will be asked to pay $250 per session for an exemption.
Players will be sized for their team shirts. The cost of this shirt is included in the season fees.
Once again this year we are fortunate enough to offer a subsidy on a uniform item. This year's subsidy is $20.00 which will be applied on the first uniform item ordered. Uniform items being offered will include the Black Inferno Speedo backpack, the Black Inferno Outerwear Jacket, Inferno Hoodie. Sizers will be available for the T-shirt, Jacket and Hoodie. We recommend that if you do not have an Inferno backpack that you order this first before the other items as we view this as the most essential component of the uniform.
Balls and goggles will also be offered for sale; however the subsidy can not be used for these items.
Thank you,
Mike Ciciretto
KW Water Polo - President