Registration 2022/2023 Membership for Athletes (K-W Water Polo)

Registration 2022/2023 Membership for Athletes
OWP.jpg KW Water Polo Club 
Kraken Water Polo

Membership Information

This section allows us to identify new members and the club member who recruited them to the club.

Athlete's Basic Information

Athlete's Contact Information

Athlete's Medical Information

Medical Acknowledgement

Parent/Guardian Contact Information

Emergency Contact Information

Financial Commitment

Team Proposed
22/23 Membership
Fees Account
2022/2023 Fees Payment
 9U Co-ed $265  To be determined   $265/session** Lump Sum  $265 Fall Session
$265 Winter Session 
11U Co-ed $315  To be determined  $315/session**  Lump Sum  $315 Fall Session
$315 Winter Session 
13U Co-ed $1245 $800 $1245 Lump Sum or
50/50 (Oct/Jan)
$2045 $1000
(includes OPL
and NCL fees) 
$2045 Lump Sum or
50/50 (Oct/Jan)
**Jr Kraken 9U fees: $265/session, 11U fees: $315/session, 2 Sessions -Fall: Sept-Dec -Winter: Jan-Apr

Normally fees include both membership and the seeding of your tournament account for all forms of competition including tournaments, league days and National Competitive League (NCL) fees. There is a high likelihood that competitions will be allowed for this upcoming season. Should competition occur, please be aware that you are also financially accountable for these costs. Note that personal cost of travel, accommodation, food and incidentals are not included in any fees collected.

Under normal circumstances, it is important to note that the fees for competition are an estimate only. Actual competition fees will vary with some families receiving a refund and others being required to pay additional costs depending on the number of competitions their athlete participates in. This includes playing up for an older team.

Refer to the Tournament account page for additional information on how tournament fees are managed. 

Payment options:
  • Payment in full by cheque made out to KW Water Polo Club. Give the cheque to the team manager for that respective age group. Please indicate player name on the cheque.
  • Installment payments will be made on the 15th of October and January. A VOID cheque must be provided either as an attachment in your electronic application, or sent to the Treasurer via the team manager for that respective age group. Please indicate player name on the cheque.
  • Refer to the Fee Assistance page if required.

Bingo Commitment

It is mandatory for each family to help at UP TO TWO Bingo sessions throughout the season for each athlete registered.

This year, signup will occur after registration once dates are known. Due to the significant time already invested by these volunteers: Board members, parent coaches, team managers and Bingo captain(s) are not required to volunteer for Bingo sessions.

Post-dated cheque(s), dated May 15, 2022, must be provided during the official registration period in the fall, in the amount of $500 for each athlete, as security for completing the Bingo sessions.
It will not be cashed unless you do not complete your Bingo commitment by the last session in September 2022.

Payment Information

Notice of Warning

There is a potential risk for injury involved in training and participating in the sport of water polo. Ontario Water Polo Association (OWP), and its member clubs, have tried to create a safe and controlled environment for participation. OWP has established rules for participation and conduct, on and about the playing area, that must be followed. Some hazards which may lead to catastrophic situations are: slips on the pool deck or surrounding area, chlorine leaks, ball injuries and personal body contact injuries, etc. In part consideration of the KW Water Polo Club permitting me/my child to take part in the practices and other activities of the Club, I hereby release the Club and its employees, agents and volunteers from any and all damages sustained in consequence of loss, injury or damage to any person or property and from any or all actions, causes of action, claims and demands of any nature arising directly or indirectly from my/my child’s participation in water polo. By signing this document I agree to and will abide to all OWP policies. If I am a parent/guardian of a minor, I provide consent for my minor child to participate with OWP. 
Acknowledgement of Policies and Guidelines

You should be aware and be prepared to follow the policies and guidelines outlined below. Review the policies and guidelines below and provide your acknowledgment.

Waterpolo Canada Code of Conduct
KW Water Polo Club Policy
OWP Standards of Behaviour
KW Water Polo Club Code of Conduct
OWPA Referee Policy (for referees only)
CACE Code of Conduct and Ethics Code (for coaches only)
City of Waterloo Respectful Behaviour Policy
Conflict Resolution Policy
Concussion Policy

Code of Conduct, Standards of Behaviour and Conflict Resolution
Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act (“PIPEDA”)
Medical Situations and Concussion Protocol
Photographic Waiver
Consent to Electronic Communication

As of Sept 1st, 2022 all COVID-19 safety precautions and restrictions have been lifted.  However, please be advised, we will continue to follow Public Health Guidelines and specific facility requirements and may need to reimplement certain procedures if necessary.